About me

This site is my attempt to polish my image to bring clarity to the humane chaos for those who are just getting to know me.

It’s a work in progress.

So far these pages include short descriptions of the research projects I did in Finland and Scotland. You could place that time in my life to the box labeled “Postgrad Research Assistant in Animal-Computer Interaction” at the University of Glasgow. Yeah, you read it right, that’s animals! My colleagues included monkeys and lemurs.

Now, I am ambitious to find a new career as a programmer, starting by gaining skills in front-end/full stack. I already know I love to code, working with data and creating pretty things.

In my humble opinion, best things in life are

  1. authentic human connections (diversity is always inspiring)
  2. experiencing the beauty and force of nature by getting outdoors (my favorites: nordic skiing, hiking, kayaking, wild swimming)
  3. problem solving (best when it’s to help others)
  4. learning new skills and progressing (like feeling the power of new programming tools, the excitement of getting your first 10 seconds of handstand or knitting your first sweater)

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